Wednesday, 28 March 2012

mmmhhh SmsOne(U) ltd retreat & (Miss RELIABLE)

Ok,our boss organised a lovely retreat for us at Entebbe Resort beach.I have to say i had a good time and i had fun wit all the games and the team building things that went down.
The food was to die for and the drinks were in plenty.My boss liz did her thing on the dance floor so did some of our workmates who brought out there Mbarara style.
Unfortunately i had to leave early coz i had curfew.But here are the pics and or of-course i had to tell you in my Boss's note of thanks to me she said MBU am Miss RELIABLE...mmmmhhhh and mbu am credible; trustworthy; dependable anywhere,at any time,at any place and with anyone.mbu my boldness and confidence is my strength.aha anyway i was touched that was are the pics


  1. u guys must have had aluuuuuuuuvvv li!time....yeah she was so right.

  2. ya it was lovely the bosses spent some money on us there was lovely.
