Saturday, 31 March 2012

Fashion in Uganda

i have to say Sylvia Owori did a good job coz everything looked fabulous and i loved the scenery of the run way it makes me believe that Fashion in Uganda has a good future...hope very soon we will have fashion week in Uganda,now that will be something.Lovely Weekend all yall.


  1. Was it really fab? The press said it was nothing new etc. Check out Christie Brown's collection, Amazing!!

    1. Ya the press did because some of her designs were sooo predictable but this time you could see she put in some work...coz the run way,the recycled demin and the girls looked different from her usual.Am so checking Brown out bt u shld blog abt her i like getting them from ur blog.heheheheh

  2. her time is outtttt!!!i insist

    1. hahahaah i know what u mean...nga she has been there...i just wish other ugandan designers could out beat her publicity and come out.
