Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Born Lucky

So hope u know how Lindsay lohan is on house arrest....but u can think she is on holiday, she even threw a bash for her close friends during her house arrest,the lucky part of her house arrest,Internet auction site has tapped Lohan to film a commercial from her very own living-room couch. Beezid is a penny auction site that sells electronics, cars, video games and lifestyle and fashion products.

A rep for the company said that Lohan was originally offered a whopping $25,000 for the gig, but she turned it down. Beezid then upped the ante (the rep says it was in the five figures) and threw in a $10,000 credit to spend on the site.

That was enough to sway Lohan.

"Hey, all my friends: I just wanted to share with you that during some of my time at home, I found this amazing site with great deals: It's called," LiLo says on the ad spot, which runs just under 15 seconds.

The company rep said they chose Lohan because she's a "huge shopper" who had "extra time right now."

"Lindsay was great to work with," said the rep. "She loved the site. She was energeticm smart and focused." She was born lucky.

you can check it out there.

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